Thursday, 8 April 2010

'Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it.'

Today I went to see 'Remember Me' with my best friends. I've been looking forward to seeing it for a while, because the trailers looked really good and because I will openly admit that I'm a little bit too in love with Robert Pattinson. Not just because he's Edward Cullen (yes, I'm a Twilight nerd and PROUD) but because I think he's talented. And him being very beautiful doesn't hurt either. So, I woke up this morning and the sun was blaring through my windows, putting me in a glorious mood even before I had chance to think about the events of the day ahead. The next part of this blog will involve some major spoilers, so if you haven't seen the film and want to then you should probably stop reading here. But feel free to come back once you have seen the film. And you may take this opportunity to go and read my other blogs, if you already haven't. Y'know, if you fancy it that is. Sorry, I'm digressing again.

What a film! I thought at first it might just be a run of the mill rom-com, but it was more than that. Although it was pretty funny in some parts and the relationships explored were very sweet. But like I say, there was much more to it, including a real shocker of an ending! Tyler is the protagonist and is played by the lovely Rob. Yes, we're on shortened first name terms ... it's okay to be jealous. Anyway, Tyler gets himself arrested at the start of the film and then gets involved with the police officer's daughter Ally, with the intent of using her to get revenge against her father. But they fall in love and after a turbulent time for both of them (as they both have pretty big family problems that are addressed both sensitively and realistically) they live happily ever after. The ending scenes show how all of the characters' stories have been wrapped up nicely and I was preparing to leave the cinema with a warm glow. Or so I thought. Cut to Tyler's little sister being at school and the teacher writing the date on the chalkboard. September 11th 2001. Cut then to Tyler looking out of the window of his Dad's office, waiting for him to arrive. The camera pans out, slowly revealing the location of the office. One of the highest floors of the one of the Twin Towers in New York.

My little heart sank. I knew what was coming then, but I was no less sad when it did. The film skipped to the aftermath of the 9/11 bombings without presenting the actual event - which was a good move in my opinion as it prevented it from becoming simply another disaster movie - and just showed the devastation of all the characters when they realised what had happened and that Tyler was gone. The final scene showed Ally on a train with a slight smile on her face and I got the feeling that we were being shown that there was hope for her still. That even after all of the shit she'd encountered in her life, and after losing Tyler, she still had a future and a life to live. So even though the film had a shockingly sad twist, the ending gave the audience a positive message to take away. One of the quotes also left quite the imprint on my friends and myself; "Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch" ... Food for thought there, kids.

If you chose to read this having not watched the film and are thinking that the story doesn't seem for you, fair enough. But I will make the point that even if you don't like the plot, it was such a well done film. The twist literally came from nowhere and I can't stress that enough. So because of that, it made so much more of an impact. Even in the cinema I heard gasps and the heartbroken sniffles of teary-eyed teenage girls (although I will add that I was not one of these girls. I don't cry y'see. Like ever. But this is another issue for another blog). Anyway, it was a genuinely good watch and really got my friends and I talking afterwards about the much bigger issues at hand. Chloe, one of the previously mentioned best friends, made a heartbreaking point from the film. She said that that must have been exactly how it was for the real victims of the 9/11 bombings; it was an incomprehensible shock and created such devastation for so many people. And, of course, she's right. I remember exactly where I was when I heard about 9/11. I was in my first year of secondary school, chilling with friends in our lunch hour. It meant nothing to us really, as kids from across the world. We didn't understand the full extent of the situation. Although I do recall rushing home that night to phone my now-estranged Dad, who lives in America, to check that he was okay. My 11 year old mind couldn't distinguish that Ohio, where he lives, is actually about 500 miles away from New York - but I felt better for it anyway. As I've grown up though, I've realised the devastation it caused and I don't think I can really put into words how it makes me feel. Terrorism is one of the lowest acts of the human race and anyone capable of even considering it doesn't deserve a life. I know that sounds harsh, but if someone is prepared to take the lives of thousands of good, innocent people and ruin even more lives because of these losses then why do they deserve to have the thing they have denied of these people? They don't, in my opinion. Even now it all makes me so angry. Too angry. Angry enough that I can't actually write much more about it here, at the moment. Maybe I'll come back to it in another blog.

Anyway, I am off my soap box and ready to wrap things up for now. I fully urge anyone to go and see 'Remember Me'. For a good laugh, for a good cry or even for a good Rob-fest. After you've watched it, spare a thought or two for all the people who's lives were altered by the events of 9/11 ... or any other global disaster for that matter. It'll make you appreciate life, if only for the length of time you spare those thoughts. And even for that short amount of time, it's worth it.

Have a good one kids.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

My new addiction.

It's official. I have a new addiction. It has descended upon me in the form of a game. A quiz machine game. And it goes by the name ... ELIMINATOR! It's not just any game though. It is the most compulsively obsessive thing I have ever seen in my entire life and the discovery of it was a happy accident. My lovely friends and I were at our usual haunt of The Hare of the Dog, our uni pub, and we decided to have a quick play on the quiz machine. Nothing new there, as we quite often do this. Cold pint in hand, friendly banter and harmless competitiveness. Bliss. So, having played a couple of the usual games, we decided to take a risk on a new game. This was the birth of the addiction.

'I don't believe that any stupid pub game can be that amazing', I hear you all say. I would have agreed, until Eliminator made itself known. But now I know this statement is incorrect. It managed to keep us in the pub for almost ten long hours. We drank ourselves into a stupor, used up endless pound coins ... and won three back in return. I am aware that I have just potentially admitted to both a gambling and drinking problem, but I'm prepared to let that slide for now. In the name of Eliminator.

'Okay', I hear you say once more, 'what exactly is the purpose of this so-called amazing game?' Well, I'm not going to explain Eliminator to you. I think that it deserves to explain itself. So, I urge you all to go to your local pub and find the quiz machine there. If it is an adequate machine, Eliminator will be on it. And if you're lucky enough to have The Hare of the Dog as your local, there's a good chance you will win big, judging by the previously mentioned stupid amounts of money we wasted.

I am aware that this is possibly one the saddest and most pointless blogs I will probably ever write. And you know something? I don't care. I'm pleased to think that this wondrous discovery and day got the recognition it deserved. And I hope it gave anyone reading a few minutes of light relief from their busy days. Good old Eliminator! Um yes, in theory, I did just thank the game. Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear ...

Have a good one kids.

Monday, 5 April 2010

The Wanderer Returns.

Oh my, it's been a looooong time since I last blogged. What with uni work, job work, friend time and family time I've hardly had time to sleep, let alone blog. Okay, that's a lie. I always make time for sleep. Anyone who knows me knows that no sleep equals a very unhappy Tina. Hell, I'm usually still exhausted even after a full night of sleep, so I don't think my body would physically allow me to not have time for it. I digress. Anyway, I am back! I'm going to try to blog at least once a week from now on, and hope that people still bother to read my rambles. If they ever did in the first place.

I thought I'd ease myself back into the world of blogging with a fun-filled one. A good friend of mine recently created a post about the things that make him happy. I decided to shamelessly steal his idea and do one of my own. So, here are some of the things that make me happy in life ...

My best friends.
My Mom.
My cat, Rex.
Britney Spears.
Freddie Mercury.
Songs that can affect my mood.
Music in general.
Lyrics and poetry.
Books that can alter me as a person.
Films that make me laugh.
Films that make me cry.
Writing for no reason about nothing in particular.
Road trips.
Long train journeys.
Any other form of sleep.
The stuffed bear I've had since I was born.
'Seeing' someone - the perks of a relationship without the hassle.
Being there for people when they need me.
My birthday.
Other people's birthdays.
University and my degree.
Lying in bed thinking my deepest thoughts as I drift off.
Long talks with those closest to me.
Catch ups with people I don't talk to that often.
Watching films all night and catching up on sleep all the next day.
Chilling in my joggers with those who don't care what I look like.
Playing games on my Wii.
Going on nights out or even just to the pub for a couple.
Hall parties.
Meeting new people.
Doing the kids' birthday parties at work.
Having the smell of someone I care about linger after they've gone.
Waking up to unread text messages.
Texts telling me that someone is thinking about me.
Inside jokes.
Quoting stupid film or TV lines with my friends.
Having a good old sing song.
Latitude festival.
Compliments - but only genuine ones.
Cuddles and kisses.
Good grammar and big words (sad, I know).
People having nicknames for me.
Social networking.
Uncontrollable and contagious laughter.
Love - both of the platonic and romantic types.

So, there we go. A big list of things that make me happy. You may learn things about me from reading it; you also may have got bored and skipped to here. Fair play. Either way, I enjoyed writing this blog, and I feel cheerier after doing so. Have a go - think about the things that make you smile. It may just brighten your day.

Have a good one kids.