Monday, 5 April 2010

The Wanderer Returns.

Oh my, it's been a looooong time since I last blogged. What with uni work, job work, friend time and family time I've hardly had time to sleep, let alone blog. Okay, that's a lie. I always make time for sleep. Anyone who knows me knows that no sleep equals a very unhappy Tina. Hell, I'm usually still exhausted even after a full night of sleep, so I don't think my body would physically allow me to not have time for it. I digress. Anyway, I am back! I'm going to try to blog at least once a week from now on, and hope that people still bother to read my rambles. If they ever did in the first place.

I thought I'd ease myself back into the world of blogging with a fun-filled one. A good friend of mine recently created a post about the things that make him happy. I decided to shamelessly steal his idea and do one of my own. So, here are some of the things that make me happy in life ...

My best friends.
My Mom.
My cat, Rex.
Britney Spears.
Freddie Mercury.
Songs that can affect my mood.
Music in general.
Lyrics and poetry.
Books that can alter me as a person.
Films that make me laugh.
Films that make me cry.
Writing for no reason about nothing in particular.
Road trips.
Long train journeys.
Any other form of sleep.
The stuffed bear I've had since I was born.
'Seeing' someone - the perks of a relationship without the hassle.
Being there for people when they need me.
My birthday.
Other people's birthdays.
University and my degree.
Lying in bed thinking my deepest thoughts as I drift off.
Long talks with those closest to me.
Catch ups with people I don't talk to that often.
Watching films all night and catching up on sleep all the next day.
Chilling in my joggers with those who don't care what I look like.
Playing games on my Wii.
Going on nights out or even just to the pub for a couple.
Hall parties.
Meeting new people.
Doing the kids' birthday parties at work.
Having the smell of someone I care about linger after they've gone.
Waking up to unread text messages.
Texts telling me that someone is thinking about me.
Inside jokes.
Quoting stupid film or TV lines with my friends.
Having a good old sing song.
Latitude festival.
Compliments - but only genuine ones.
Cuddles and kisses.
Good grammar and big words (sad, I know).
People having nicknames for me.
Social networking.
Uncontrollable and contagious laughter.
Love - both of the platonic and romantic types.

So, there we go. A big list of things that make me happy. You may learn things about me from reading it; you also may have got bored and skipped to here. Fair play. Either way, I enjoyed writing this blog, and I feel cheerier after doing so. Have a go - think about the things that make you smile. It may just brighten your day.

Have a good one kids.

1 comment:

  1. Lol and Lewis ripped off my blog after reading my favourite things post! Ha ha x
